481 354


197 517


215 931


Размещено 28 июня 2020

по договоренности

Account менеджер

ФИО: Diego Acevedo

Дата рождения: 24 января 1986 (38 лет)

Пол: Мужской

Семейное положение: Не состою в браке, детей нет

Город проживания: Москва (показать на карте)




График работы

Полный день


Higher, Sales, Customer Support, Bussines

Владение иностранными языками

French and Portuguese - Intermediate

Опыт работы

Sales and customer support succes with international clients
Bussines developement
Customer experience

Профессиональные навыки и знания

For years, I have been successfully developed my natural ability in the social sphere, being able to apply this strength in any field of life.
With a strong commercial orientation and with natural leadership characteristics, I have successfully achieved every goal that has been set for me, both in sales and in commercial advice and customer service.
I am bilingual in English language, through which I have developed different commercial campaigns with international clients.
Always inspired and motivated by challenges, at all times encouraging and integrating my colleagues, coworkers, team, to overcome and successfully achieve each assigned goal.

Autonomy, initiative, perseverance, perseverance and self-demand are some of the characteristics that describe me.